I was externalising my ‘healing process’ and trying to fill a void from the outside. Needless to say, this did not work and for years I felt like I was running into a brick wall.


I’m delighted you are here. My name is Taimi and I am here to engage in a conversation about human wellbeing and wholeness (rather than ‘happiness’ - because chasing happiness feels like resisting part of life’s experiences).

I found myself in my early 20’s at the opposite end of ‘thriving’ - I was anxious, fearful and uncomfortable with people, as well as on my own. I felt bashed around by the world and by my intense emotional storms on the inside. I felt weak and lacking in willpower, and somehow ‘failing’ compared to everyone else.

For a number of years - I tried to ‘be good’ and to give, so that I would receive the love that I craved from the world. I thought that if I just did the right things, then I would be deserving of love, and that then everything would fall into place. Life would get easy, people would give me what I wanted and my life would start to flourish.

Everything shifted when I had this realisation - and since then I have worked towards taking radical responsibility for my wellbeing and personal growth (By ‘radical responsibility’ I mean fully accepting all that has happened in the past and recognising that despite how wrong and unfair it might be - the only person who can make it better now - is ourselves).

Through the years I have learnt from teachers, tried out practices and explored tools of transformation. My work at Thrive With Taimi is about distilling all these experiences into supportive offerings for others on the same path.

Have you ever been judged for being “too much”, “too sensitive” or “emotional”? I would love to have you! Do you struggle with social anxiety or self-sabotaging behaviours? You-re in good company! Or do you self-abandon, people please and end up enmeshed in your relationships? This is the place is for you!


  • My Story

    More about me, what my journey has been until now and what has led me to becoming a coach

  • Writing

    What makes a thriving life? The good, the bad and the ugly facets of rising to our full potential

  • Coaching

    Find out more about my coaching approach, programmes offered and what might happen in a coaching session