#003 - Connect With Your Vision

To me this feels like the perfect time to reconnect with my Vision. Beltane has just passed, which coincided with the solar eclipse - which I read was a good time for tying up endings and welcoming new beginnings. I believe it also helps with retaining a sense of purpose and excitement - after having been involved in something quite big and focussed for a while, the passing of which can leave a feeling of emptiness and aimlessness.

What do I mean by ’reconnecting with my Vision’?

For me, it’s taking a holistic look at my life. Taking that birds-eye view, and casting my eyes on the horizon. What do I want my life to look and feel like in 2 years’ time? I like this time frame, as it’s one that feels far enough to achieve something meaningful - but not too far off and distant. If you would like to connect with your Vision with me, here are some prompts that I find helpful:

  • Where do I want to be? How do I feel in my environment?

  • What is my life situation - am I working in the same field as now, or have I made some changes?

  • Who is around me? How do I feel with the people around me? What sort of things might we do together?

  • In what ways am I expressing myself?

  • How am I being creative?

  • How am I showing up in my communities?

  • How do I feel in my body?

  • How am I being loving towards myself?

  • What does a ’typical day’ look like for me?

  • What contribution am I making ? How am I being of service?

  • How do I feel about myself in this place?

Simply having a Vision does not yet make it reality - but without a Vision, you don’t have a grounded direction that you’re moving towards - which is why I believe regular ’Visioncrafting’ and staying connected to your Vision is so important.

You may have heard me talk about this App before called ’Mine’d’ (www.doyoumined.com) - in there, one of my new favourite teachers, Branden Collinsworth, has a series called ’How to Build Your Spaceship’. Essentially he talks about all the different components of reaching your Vision. The tools, the rituals, the practices - the importance of curating your subconscious mind… I’m excited about going through all the steps following the defining of my Vision and would recommend anyone to check out the series who wants a little boost for their process.

I love that feeling of seeing myself doing things that feel are taking me closer to my Vision. It might be doing something brave, like showing up on social media in a more vulnerable and open way - or it might be something totally practical, like purchasing a piece of equipment of software. Whatever it is, if I feel it being connected to my Vision, it fills me with expansive and excited energy. I feel like I am already beginning to manifest the version of myself that I want to birth into this world - a version of myself that I know I already am, but who needs to be let out and released into existence.

I also find that connecting to my Vision and focusing on my journey towards it is a great way to alchemise painful feelings in the present. Not as a way to bypass these emotions - but to let them fuel my motivation to take my life to the next level - to keep taking those steps towards my Vision - knowing that this is the ultimate form of self love, self care and honouring of my soul and its purpose in this lifetime.

With love to all my Visionaries out there -

Your boldness and courage inspires me!


#004 - Eclipse energy


#002 - What I have learnt