Taimi Taimi

Courageous Intuition (#033)

Can intuition be developed? Yes - and in this article we explore why you may be disconnected from your intuition in the first place. Intuition is not opposed to rationality, but you can learn to use these together. This way, you can discover how using your intuition helps in decisionmaking - in a holistic way.

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Taimi Taimi

The Persecution of Consciousness (#030)

The path to growth means we need to heal not just our ‘witch wound’ but our ‘consciousness wound’ - all the ways in which expression of consciousness have been persecuted in history.

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Taimi Taimi

#019 - Make Your Mind Malleable

If you are working to change the programming you have grown up with - if you find yourself judging, controlling and holding yourself back - you might benefit from the practice of making a concerted effort to loosen up your neural pathways.

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